Paleontology Database Network

Information on the Stratigraphy.Net database project

Name : Stratigraphy.Net database project
Home Page URL :
This page's URL :
Purpose : Provide a stratigraphic database which is open to public. The database approach follows the recommendations of the International Stratigraphic Guide
The current database design encompasses the following sub-disciplines of stratigraphy:
  • chronostratigraphy
  • lithostratigraphy
  • biostratigraphy
  • magnetostratigraphy
Special attention is given to biostratigraphy. An innovative taxonomic database module links stratigraphic units to their relevant taxa, their synonymy, references etc.
Scope : Open to all taxa relevant for stratigraphy
Intended audience : Everybody who is intrested in stratigraphic and taxonomic data
Platform / Software : database server: Borland's Interbase
client frontends: PHP generated web pages
Data model : The data model currently consists of about 60 tables and is rapidly growing due to the demands of the interdisciplinary project. Some impressions on the general concept can be found at
During the development process, additional technology details will regurarily be published here
Terminology Conventions for Data Entry: -
Output Query System: Query results are given by custom scripts written in PHP
Available User Support:
Date of Establishment: Will be implemented in the course of 2002
Location: Bremen, Germany
Size: Currently contains only test data
Institutional and Financial Support: None: is an independent, volunteer project
Long-Term Maintenance Plans: It is intended to become a permanent resource for the geoscientific community
Contact: Robert Huber (
Jens Klump (
Stefan Goetz (